Hotel Aminities

Our Restaurant & Bar

Our Restaurant & Bar

  • Deheri Fine Dine

    Deheri Fine Dine is the Complete Family Restaurant serve Multi Cusine food as well as typical Local cusine , here you can enjoy Buffet & Ala-carte Serivice as your choice.

    Deheri words comes from Tharu Language (Da-heri) whereTharu Community people used it as to store Rice/Grains. And in ancient Tharu Home Deheri is used as partitions also between room, dinning area & kitchen.

    It's Non-Smoking Restaurant. Serving Hour : 7am to 9:30pm

    (Note: We Serve Special Tandoor Delicacy everyday 4pm to 9:30pm)

    We an't only serve. we preserve the Heritage.

  • Buddha Gyan Kaushi (Terrace garden)

    Best Ambiance Open Sky Terrace Garden having seceret Buddha Message crafted on Wood & pleaseant view of Stupa Architecture surrounding by Trees & plantation with gigling Bird sounds. Best locations to complete your day with your family, friends & colleagues. Perfect for Evening & Candle Light Dinner

    Open Air Terrace Garden, Serving Hour : 4pm to 9:30pm

    (Note: We Serve Special Tandoor Delicacy everyday 4pm to 9:30pm)

  • Everest Lounge

    Everest Lounge is the Ideal place to simply chill with Friends & Family to chat & drinks, here we serve Multi Cusine foods with exotic drinks menu. This locations is also suitable for close-knit functions. What we Nepalese are well known for the Mountain & Himalays's. The Everest Lounge is small try to make Replica of Himalaya House Theme/idea conversion to Luxurious Lounge. Its's madeup of Large Stone, short height as Typical Himalaya House. Everything in white colour to make feel the white snow. Serving Hour : 10am to 10pm

    (Note: We Serve Special Tandoor Delicacy everyday 4pm to 9:30pm)